Thursday, January 3, 2013

Basic Questions in Jquery, Interview Questions for UI Developer, Interview Questions for JQuery, Interview Question ask by Recuriter in jQuery

Q1     What is jQuery ?
Ans.   jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, animating, event handling, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. Jquery is build library for javascript no need to write your own functions or script jquery all ready done for you.

Q2    What the use of $ symbol in Jquery?
Ans:  $ Symbol is just replacement of jquery means at the place of $ you may use jquery hence $ symbol is used for indication that this line used for jquery.

Q3:  How do you select an item using css class or ID and get the value by use of jquery?
Ans: If an element of html like < div> , < p> or any tag have ID MyId and class used MyClass then we select the element by below jquery code
$('#MyId') for ID and for classs $('.MyClass')
and for value
var myValue = $('#MyId').val();
// get the value in var Myvalue by id
Or for set the value in selected item

$('#MyId').val("print me");
// set the value of a form input

Q4:   What are the different type of selectors in Jquery?
Ans:  There are 3 types of selectors in Jquery
1. CSS Selector
2. XPath Selector
3. Custom Selector

Q5:   How can you select all elements in a page using jQuery?
Ans:  To select all elements in a page, we can use all selectors, for that we need to use *(asterisk symbol).
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
         $("*").css("border", "2px dotted red");

Q6:   What is the use of EQ in Jquery?
Ans:  The eq( index ) method reduces the set of matched elements to a single element.
Here is the simple syntax to use this method:
selector.eq( index )

Q6:   What is the difference between height and outerheight in jquery?
Ans:  The .height() method gets or sets the height of the HTML element. To get the height of an HTML element, you would use .height() like below:
The .outerHeight() method gets the height of the HTML element and includes the top and bottom padding and the border. If the argument is set to true, it will also include the top and bottom margins. The value is expressed in pixels (px) and is a numeric value. To get the outer height without the margins, you would use:

Q7:   What does .size() method of jquery return ?
Ans:  .size() method of jquery returns number of element in the object. That means that you can count the number of elements within an object.

For example :-
 var Count = $("div").size();

Q8:  What document.ready() is use in jQuery?
Ans: It indicates that the DOM of the page is ready and we can start manipulating the DOM elements even though other parts
of the page content(e.g. images/other external resources) are not fully loaded.As soon as the DOM is loaded,
everything inside the (document).ready() should be load even before the page contents are loaded.

Q9:   What is diffrence between javascript onload and document.ready()?
Ans:   The onLoad function for the window object executes after the entire page is fully loaded.Untill DOM tree is completely created and all images/other associated resources (like audio files,video files etc) are fully loaded,this onLoad function is never executed and hence the script execution needs to wait till the page is loaded.

But the document.ready() method of JQuery indicates that the DOM of the page is ready and we can start manipulating the DOM elements even though other parts of the page content(e.g. images/other external resources) are not fully loaded. As soon as the DOM is loaded, everything inside the (document).ready() should be load even before the page contents are loaded.

Q10:  What is chaining method in jquery?
Ans:  In jQuery most of the methods returns a jQuery object that you can then use to call another method. This allows you to do command chaining, where you can perform multiple methods on the same set of elements, which is really neat because it saves you and the browser from having to find the same elements more than once.

Here's an example:
$('div').css('border','solid 1px red').attr('class','active');

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