To achive web accessibility we need to implement Text resizer to our Website.
Which help users to see properly who are facing visibility disorder.
Here I am providing the Javascript code for Text resizer which enable site to increase its font upto 200%;
Tags :
here need to put those HTML tags of which content you want to increase. Javascript will find those tags and increase/Decrease their size to next level.
Increase / Decrease Level:
its a array which define the increase level of text. we can also put their font-size in px.
its show the default value of array about font size of website will be on page load.
How to use:
to use this script code we use Javascript function ts with two argument. First argument is id name of which content we need to be increase/Decrease.
Second argument is use as symbol of Increase / Decrease font.
javascript:ts(ID,1) // 1 for increase Font size
javascript:ts(ID,-1) // -1 for Decrease font size
JavaScript:location.reload(true); // Reset font size
<a href="javascript:ts('divcontent',-1)">Smaller</a> // For Decrease
<a href="javascript:ts('divcontent',1)">Large</a> // For increase
<a href="JavaScript:location.reload(true);"> Normal</a> // Reset Font size
Which help users to see properly who are facing visibility disorder.
Here I am providing the Javascript code for Text resizer which enable site to increase its font upto 200%;
//Specify affected tags. Add or remove from list: var tgs = new Array( 'div','td','tr','h3','h4'); //var tgs = new Array( 'div'); //Specify spectrum of different font sizes: var szs = new Array( 'xx-small','x-small','small','medium','large','x-large','xx-large' ); var startSz = 2; function ts( trgt,inc ) { if (!document.getElementById) return var d = document,cEl = null,sz = startSz,i,j,cTags; sz += inc; if ( sz < 0 ) sz = 0; if ( sz > 6 ) sz = 6; startSz = sz; if ( !( cEl = d.getElementById( trgt ) ) ) cEl = d.getElementsByTagName( trgt )[ 0 ]; = szs[ sz ]; for ( i = 0 ; i < tgs.length ; i++ ) { cTags = cEl.getElementsByTagName( tgs[ i ] ); for ( j = 0 ; j < cTags.length ; j++ ) cTags[ j ].style.fontSize = szs[ sz ]; } }
Tags :
here need to put those HTML tags of which content you want to increase. Javascript will find those tags and increase/Decrease their size to next level.
var tgs = new Array( 'div','td','tr','h3','h4');
Increase / Decrease Level:
its a array which define the increase level of text. we can also put their font-size in px.
var szs = new Array( 'xx-small','x-small','small','medium','large','x-large','xx-large' );
its show the default value of array about font size of website will be on page load.
var startSz = 2;
How to use:
to use this script code we use Javascript function ts with two argument. First argument is id name of which content we need to be increase/Decrease.
Second argument is use as symbol of Increase / Decrease font.
javascript:ts(ID,1) // 1 for increase Font size
javascript:ts(ID,-1) // -1 for Decrease font size
JavaScript:location.reload(true); // Reset font size
<a href="javascript:ts('divcontent',-1)">Smaller</a> // For Decrease
<a href="javascript:ts('divcontent',1)">Large</a> // For increase
<a href="JavaScript:location.reload(true);"> Normal</a> // Reset Font size
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